Hello Jellies! I have something exciting to share with you all today. Recently, I entered a giveaway for a PR Box, and to my absolute delight, I ended up winning one of the biggest ones! I was beyond thrilled when the author personally reached out to me.

The book is called Fairies of Death by Victoria Liiv.

I made this unboxing video because everything about this package is just too pretty not to share. Along with her book, Victoria sent me so many beautiful goodies, and I’m incredibly grateful for each one. Check out the unboxing video here:


"Is she the hunter or the prey? Collecting life force is essential for death fairies' survival. To give it away is a death sentence."

Imagine a world where collecting life force is not just a choice but a necessity for survival. This is the reality for death fairies—a reality where giving away this precious life force is nothing short of a death sentence.

Enter Isay, a character whose life takes a sharp turn when she’s unwillingly thrust into the Death Court of the Fae. Now, you might think that being guarded like a royal treasure would offer some sense of security, but for Isay, it’s the opposite. Her life force becomes an irresistible lure for every death fae in the court. Sure, her guardians might have a stronger grip on their hunger, but none of them are entirely immune to the powerful allure she exudes. In the midst of this perilous intrigue, Isay finds herself drawn to one of her protectors—Karmuth.

Karmuth is a character who, at first glance, seems to be a safe haven for Isay. His softer demeanor and those impossibly blue eyes make him appear less of a threat. But as Isay will learn, appearances can be deceiving. 

His backstory is just as fascinating. He’s been involved in a rather unusual arrangement with a courtesan named Sela—sex in exchange for life force. It’s a deal that’s allowed him to feed without taking lives, something he’s never really questioned. But then Isay enters the picture, and suddenly, everything changes. There’s something about her—her innocence, her determination—that awakens a hunger in him that Sela’s services simply can’t satisfy.

As the story unfolds, Isay’s natural curiosity and bravery (or recklessness, depending on how you see it) lead her straight into danger. Karmuth finds himself in a complex position—protecting her not just from the dangers of the Death Court and his own dark desires, but also from an ancient enemy whose threat is growing more tangible by the day.

In this dangerous world, friends can quickly become foes, love is a dangerous distraction, and death is a constant shadow lurking in the background. But the question remains—whose death will it be?

This story has all the elements that keep you on the edge of your seat: suspense, intrigue, and the kind of tension that leaves you breathless. I can’t wait to dive deeper into this world and see where Isay and Karmuth’s journey takes them. If you’re as intrigued as I am, I highly recommend getting this one. Trust me, it’s a ride you won’t want to miss!

Fairies of Death is now available on Amazon! 

If you end up liking this book, as I know you will, don't forget to review it on the goodreads app!
