Book Brew Review System

  Hello, fellow book lovers! As a passionate book reader and reviewer, I have spent countless hours reading and reviewing books trying to convey my thoughts and opinions in a clear and engaging manner. I have read blogs and reviews by many people, whom I love and adore, and they all seem to have a variation of a reviewing system that we know. I had adopted those reviewing methods and when one didn't fit me, I would try another, and another, until I was completely bored and stopped reviewing altogether. Over time, I realized where I was lacking. 

Most of my reviews are rambling messes with absolutely no structure or a rating system. When I adopted the review methods of others, I was really just using their rating systems that's all. But now I have understood that having a unique and structured review system not only makes the process more enjoyable but also helps readers quickly grasp the essence of the book. After trying and testing multiple methods, I have finally decided to make my own unique reviewing system that is inspired from all the others that I have seen before and put my own twist to it. 

I am excited to introduce "Book Brew" Review System, because our brains never stop brewing ideas and monologues when we read!

What is the "Book Brew" Review System?

The "Book Brew" Review System is my approach to book reviewing that uses refreshments (drinks and eateries) as symbols to rate different aspects of a book. Each refreshment presents a specific category, making it visually appealing and easy to understand/ This system allowed me to provide a comprehensive review while keeping it simple and engaging for you, the reader. 

The Categories and Their Brews

In this system, I have chosen six key categories to focus on, each represented by a different refreshment:

  1. Plot (Espresso shots): How compelling and well-structured is the story?
  2. Characters (Boba Tea): Are the characters well-developed and relatable? 
  3. Writing Style (Cookie): Does the writing style of the author make me choose them as my new idol?
  4. Pacing (Croissant): Is the story well-paced, or does it drag in places?
  5. World Building/Setting (Donut): Does the setting of the book make me excited?
  6. Emotional Impact (Wine): Does this book evoke strong emotions in me that I would want to go back to my rambling phase?

How it Works

For each category, I rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 brews. Here's how the ratings break down:
  • 1 Brew: Poor || I would never want to pick it up again
  • 2 Brews: Fair || I could power through it
  • 3 Brews: Good || Decent. I may not pick it up again but I will tell you about it
  • 4 Brews: Very Good || I had the time of my life reading this 
  • 5 Brews: Excellent || I am not going to stop talking about it for a very long time
This rating system helps to provide a balanced view of the book's strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the review, I combine the brews for a final score out of 30, which I will convert into a final brew rating for a quick overall assessment. 

Example Rating

  • Plot (Espresso shots): ☕☕☕☕
  • Characters (Boba Tea): 🧋🧋🧋🧋
  • Writing Style (Cookie): 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
  • Pacing (Croissant): 🥐🥐🥐
  • World Building/Setting (Donut): 🍩🍩🍩🍩
  • Emotional Impact (Wine): 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
      Overall Rating:
      25/30 brews = 4.15 Brews.

I am so excited to start using my new "Book Brew" Review System. I hope it enhances your reading experience as much as mine! Whether you are an avid reader or just looking for your next great book, I invite you to explore my reviews and try using my reviewing system for your reviews as well!

So tell me, how many brews did you last read get?
