
Showing posts from August, 2024


Hello Jellies! I have something exciting to share with you all today. Recently, I entered a giveaway for a PR Box, and to my absolute delight, I ended up winning one of the biggest ones! I was beyond thrilled when the author personally reached out to me. The book is called Fairies of Death by Victoria Liiv. I made this unboxing video because everything about this package is just too pretty not to share. Along with her book, Victoria sent me so many beautiful goodies, and I’m incredibly grateful for each one. Check out the unboxing video here: WHAT IS THE BOOK ABOUT? "Is she the hunter or the prey?  Collecting life force is essential for death fairies' survival. To give it away is a death sentence." Imagine a world where collecting life force is not just a choice but a necessity for survival. This is the reality for death fairies—a reality where giving away this precious life force is nothing short of a death sentence. Enter Isay, a character whose life takes a sharp turn